This blog is mainly for me to finally keep up with my WODs with World Camp Crossfit and my diet. I should have been doing this all along, but better late than never! Hoping for many successes and lots of people to chat with about how Crossfit has changed lives! I welcome any help you might could give me.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

Friday's WOD finished with 100 situps.  I can't remember what the WOD was though.
Saturday , I ran three miles. 
Sunday, I ate,drank, and was merry!
Monday...  Push press and deadlifts.  Then Diane.  I used 95 lbs and finished over 7 minutes, but not sure what. 

Labor Day at the lake was about the best one in a while.  Family functions sometimes suck.  My Dad turned 65.  When I am not exhausted, I will update my food and drink.

Monday's food has been on target. 

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